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The European Shock Society

The mission of the European Shock Society:

The primary objective of the European Shock Society is to advance understanding of the pathophysiology and to improve treatment of shock, trauma and sepsis and/or allied disciplines.

The aforementioned shall be achieved by:

  • Promoting basic and clinical sciences and encouraging the exchange of knowledge and ideas via scientific meetings and conferences, newsletters and/or personal communication among ESS members and beyond.
  • Encouraging professional education and mentoring of the young investigators in shock, trauma, and sepsis.

Welcome - 21st Congress of the European Shock Society, September 18-21, 2025


Dear ESS friends, colleagues and sympathizers,

Before delving into future, it is crucial to acknowledge the remarkable 40th anniversary of the European Shock Society (ESS). We are delighted to have celebrated this significant milestone at the 20th ESS Congress held at the University of Vienna. Let's take a moment to appreciate the success of the meeting, masterfully led by our past-president, Marcin Osuchowski. Memorable events effectively brought together former ESS presidents and scientists, showcasing both thematic diversity and exceptional quality. Marcin's initiative to make the ESS congress more accessible to junior participants was a resounding success.

In the face of global challenges and conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine, along with widespread uncertainties and anxieties worldwide, I hope you've found solace in our shared humanity. Our commitment to unbiased humanity, irrespective of identifiers like nationality, gender, background, religion, and more, reflects our resilience and strength within the ESS community. Our diverse community exemplifies unity and respect, evident in both scientific pursuits and fostering inclusion. The recent 20th ESS Congress highlighted our dedication to embracing diversity, a commitment we carry forward in future initiatives.

Preparations are underway for the 21st ESS Congress in 2025 in Croatia, promising a rich scientific and social exchange. Look out for more details in our upcoming newsletter and personalized emails. We welcome your contributions and innovative ideas to shape the future of our society. Our goal is to engage as many members as possible in organizing both the ESS and the ESS Congress 2025. If you're interested in volunteering or have ideas for positive impact, reach out to us.

Welcome to our new board members, including Sina Coldewey as our new treasurer and Brendon P. Scicluna as the newly elected councillor. We're excited to have trauma research leaders Rebecca Halbgebauer and Cristian Bergmann as presidential councillors for the 21st ESS Congress in 2025 in Croatia. Congratulations to our new auditors, Anna Herminghaus and Antigone Kotsaki, who bring energy and mentorship. Special recognition to former President Evangelos Giamarellos-Bourboulis, now chairing the European Sepsis Alliance, and Marcus-Huber Lang, our former President, now President-Elect of IFSS. The future looks bright!

Greetings to our current and future members! Let's work together to realize our visions. I encourage each ESS member to recruit a new member annually for a stronger global impact.
After 40 years of the ESS, I'm honored to lead. This responsibility follows distinguished individuals with impressive life and scientific success stories, carrying high expectations. Your support, strengths, and constructive critiques are invaluable as we navigate our ship.

In closing, I leave you with a quote from Franklin D. Roosevelt:
"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today."

With best regards,

Borna 2023

Borna Relja
ESS President

Join our Members' Database

The ESS has created a resource for ESS members who are looking for networking opportunities and would like to share their areas of interest with other experts.

This information will be stored in our members' database which will be made publicly available on the ESS website for other professionals to view. Email addresses will not be published.

If on browsing the database you would like to make contact with an individual, please use the contact form at the bottom of each member's page. A request will then be forwarded to the individual on your behalf.

Obituary: Tomasz Skirecki (1987-2025)

Tomasz Skirecki

 Obituary Tomasz Skirecki.pdf (570 KB)

Forthcoming ESS Events

Other Events

May 31st - June 3rd, 2025

48th Annual Conference on Shock

More details


 SARS-COV-2/COVID-19: Evolving reality, global response, knowledge gaps, and opportunities (3.27 MB)

 The 2030 World Sepsis Declaration.pdf (474 KB)

 Reducing the global burden of sepsis: a positive legacy for the COVID-19 pandemic? (486 KB)

 Sepsis Fact Sheet (1.47 MB)

 ESS Statement of Support to the Ukraine.pdf (210 KB)

6th Edition of the ABC Trauma guideline - endorsed and co-authored by ESSLink to full text

Minimum Quality Threshold In Pre-Clinical Sepsis Studies (MQTIPSS): An International Expert Consensus Initiative for Improvement of Animal Modeling in Sepsis

 MQTiPSS Executive Summary - SHOCK 2018.pdf (169 KB)

Specific details to the individual MQTiPSS points:

Part I:

Part II:

Part III: